Thursday, June 28, 2007

cloak and dagger thursday ...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

its been a bit. I've been a bit busy and a bit lazy... I'm still drawing all the time, but i went to Lassen Volcanic National Park for a weekend where i didn't leave myself much time ti draw at all.

today's picture is just something i did with some random characters. its not quite finished, if i ever finish it I'll post it again. i really liked how natural the poses turned out in this. i tried a different way of shading on the man's cloak.

let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

the overgrown existance

existence be dammed
i've traveled too far to give up so easily
even if my wanderings have led me astray
time and time again.
i wonder what the open road is like
where others exist, while i trudge through the underbrush.
this place has meaning though...
i couldn't give up on it, even if the path could tare me apart.
i love this place, no matter what the outcome

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Well i was completely blocked yesterday, so we'll see how i do today. here is a recent drawing of a character my brother made up. The best i can describe the story is a sci-fi epic with spirits and the afterlife mixed in. pretty much the craziest concept i've ever heard. but i felt i nailed the character right away. he's probably one of my favorite character designs. i also tried to go for a different shading technique inspired by "the dark tower" artist Jae Lee. i did a lot better than i thought i would, but it sure took me a long time.

thats it for today...

Monday, June 4, 2007

mental block!!

yeah so i've totally had artist block today... its frustrating beyond reason. i've tried drawing just normal people to super hero's i'm comfortable with, and nothing is turning out good.

so i'm just going to keep on trying... spider man is my last resort since well he's the easiest to draw for me since i've been drawing him forever.

hopefully i'll have something to post later... not that anyone reads this yet hah.

well i know of one!

Friday, June 1, 2007

hello all!!

So i decided that i'd give this blogy thingy a try. i figure i'm going to use it more to post art and character sketches that i've drawn lately. this is more for me than anyone. it'll give me some motivation to try and post something everyday (hah yeah right) but i'm going to try to get something up every day or so. Probably not weekends, but who's counting.

well if anyone is reading this feel free to leave comments and critiques of art and other thoughts.
